
About Cataract
At GULMOHUR EYE CLINIC our approach to Cataract Surgery is two pronged :
- Complete participation of the patient in the entire process.
- Application of the most advanced technologies available.
For this we have a real time camera at the diagnostic stage for counseling the patient and their relatives. For accurate power calculation we have the most advanced Optical Ascan LENSTAR from Haag Streit (Switzerland) and for precision during surgery we use the Sovereign Compact Phacoemulsification System with the Ellips FX Technology from Abbott USA. We offer a variety of IOL Technologies ranging from Monofocal to more premium lenses like Torics, Mutifocals and Multifocal Torics according to the patient’s needs and stability.
We call this approach Customized Cataract Surgery.
Cataract FAQs
When the natural lens in the eye loses its transparency it prevents light from focusing clearly in the eye. This is known as Cataract.
- Old age
- Injury to the eye
- Other factors
eg. Diabetes, Myopia can speed up cataract formation
Progress of cataract cannot be halted. Surgery is the only treatment.
The cataractous lens is removed by
- Conventional Method
- Phacoemulsification
In either technique an Intraocular Lens is implanted in the eye.
This is the latest technology for cataract removal. The cataract is "melted" in the eye and "sucked" out through a very small wound with the help of a special probe.
This is a safe & most preferred technique of cataract removal the world over.
It is not necessary to wait for the cataract to, "mature". Phacoemulsification cataract surgery can be performed at any time.
There are 2 types of IOLS
a) Hard Lenses (RIGID)
- Conventional
- Large wound required for implantation
Soft Lenses (Foldable/Injectable)
- Latest type of lenses
- Very small wound required
- Biocompatible material