About Dry Eye - Dr. Navalkar

About Dry Eye

“DRY EYE SYNDROME” or “DYSFUNCTIONAL TEAR SYNDROME” is on the rise worldwide due to extensive Gadget use [like Laptops, Tablets, Smart phones etc.]

AT GULMOHUR EYE CLINIC a detailed evaluation into the root cause of the disease is undertaken so that the right kind of therapy can be initiated for “DRY EYE”.

Dry Eye FAQs

Dry Eye is a group of symptoms which results in a change in the quantity and quality of tears which continuously lubricate the eye.

The usual symptoms are :

  • Burning eyes
  • Feeling of foreign body in the eye
  • Itchiness
  • Sticky mucus in the eye
  • Irritation

Many factors lead to Dry Eye Syndrome

  • Excessive evaporation of tears
  • Some medications can cause dry eye
  • Hormonal changes
  • Some types of Contact Lenses

Artificial tears are the mainstay of treatment, They are similar to our natural tears and lubricate the eyes.

Cataract Eye Treatment at Gulmohur Eye Clinic, Kandivali, Mumbai



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Cataract Eye Treatment at Gulmohur Eye Clinic, Kandivali, Mumbai